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Travel Safety Tips, Emergency Guidelines, Travel Resources and FREE Checklists

Today, travelling to most of the countries around the world is not such an easy task; one has to go through a series of mandatory procedures and documentation. Moreover, every country has its own set of rules and regulations regarding passage through their land. As seafarers are frequently required to travel to new lands, laborious travel formalities and documentation are inevitable.

Globe-trotting, constant travelling, and sailing at the high seas might sound glamours in the first place, but ask seafarers and you would know the challenges they have to face to live such a lifestyle. Moving through foreign lands, confronting people with unfamiliar customs and mindset, and dealing with queerest of laws is a challenging task in itself. Seafarers have to go through all these, willingly or unwillingly, in order to reach to their ships or homes.

In order to thus ensure safety and security to the lives of seafarers, we have made a handy tool – A Complete Guide to Travel Safety for Seafarers, which features safety guidelines, helpful travelling tips, travel checklists, and  important recommendations specially drafted for seafarers and shipping companies.

Safety and security of seafarers travelling through various countries around the world is a matter of prime importance. Several unfortunate cases in the past include kidnapping, robbery, physical assault, and even killing of seafarers. People from different parts of the world have different approaches towards life and might follow social norms which can be starkly dissimilar from those found in rest of the world. All of these factors, including several others, pose an unknown threat to the lives of seafarers, who might not be aware of the ‘looming’ dangers.

A Guide to Travel Safety and Security for Seafarers is a handy tool for all those seafarers who believe that smart and secure travelling is the key to personal safety. A new place with new laws and people can pose several types of threats even for those having years of travelling experience. Knowing the intricacies and basic necessary details for travelling to unknown places surely helps in reducing the level of threat to seafarers.

Frequent travellers like seafarers would often have questions such as


The above mentioned questions are some of the main ones that bother shipping professionals who travel frequently. The Guide to Travel Safety and Security for Seafarers answers all these questions and many more.

The eBook also comes with FREE Travel Checklists for Seafarers

As mariners, we know the difficulties seafarers have to go through while travelling. We are also aware of the threats that they face or can encounter is countries with different laws and traditions. This guide is therefore an indispensable tool for all seafarers and frequent travellers.

What do we cover in this eBook?

Notes from Author

Author picture

A career in merchant navy involves constant travelling to unknown countries with different laws and culture. Through out by sailing career, I have heard about unfortunate experiences which has landed seafarers in grave dangers because of their carelessness and lack of knowledge. I have myself confronted situations, which I felt would have been easier to deal with if I had been fully aware and prepared for them. As a chief officer and an avid traveller, I have realized that personal safety can be achieved with a bit of planning and a lot of cautiousness. This guide is a product of the lessons learnt by me about safe travel throughout my seafaring career. I hope that it is beneficial in raising awareness regarding travel safety of seafarers.

– Bikram Pal Singh, Chief Officer

What Mariners are Saying about this ebook?

While I am travelling abroad, I always try to remember that my family members are waiting for me back at home. More than often I have to pinch myself while traveling to get me back from my “careless attitude” to a more alert state. This guide helps me a lot in keeping a close eye on the things that are important for my personal safety and security while traveling.

– Mohit Kaushik, Third Engineer, Maersk Line

Being a second engineer in merchant navy, I have to frequently travel to new regions in never before visited countries. Though the surroundings of all most all regions seem friendly, I am aware of the fact there are unknown threat looming around. I know it’s my own responsibility to stay alert in order to prevent myself from landing in any kind of trouble. This guide has been extremely useful in helping me to do so.

– Anish Wankhede, Second Engineer, MSC

During my early days of merchant navy, I always used to have this apprehension of the way I will be treated in foreign countries. A underlying nervousness was always there at the back of the mind while traveling. I wish I had this guide with me back then. This eBook helps me remember things which I often forget while traveling, still! 

– Rishab Joshi, Third Engineer, GMC

Frequent traveler or infrequent traveler, seafarer or just a normal wanderer, this guide is important for those who want to ensure their personal safety while traveling to new lands. It’s like the ultimate guide to safety precautions necessary for travelling, both national and international.    

– Anil Samotra, Second Engineer, V-Ships

A Complete Guide to Travel Safety for Seafarers

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Marine Insight has made all the efforts possible to put the best and most useful information in these e-Books. However, if you feel that “A Complete Guide to Travel Safety for Seafarers” is not for you, or you are not satisfied with the information provided in the guides, simply contact us within 30 days for a full refund, no questions asked.Have doubts regarding the eBook or the buying procedure? Please read our FAQ or ask us at info@marineinsight.com.


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